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Our dojo emblem with the Seibukan symbol representing Okinawa, the mon (family crest) of the Tsugaru clan, representing Japan, and Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, wearing a karate uniform, representing the West.


International Okinawan Shōrin-ryū Seibukan Karate-dō Association


Shimabukuro Zenpo Sensei, the head of Seibukan karate worldwide, smiling.


This spirit of being kind to others and being strict with oneself is cultivated through rigorous training

Shimabukuro Zenpō Sensei, leader of Seibukan karate-dō worldwide

Seibukan Karate Dojo instructor training at hombu dojo under the supervision of Zenpo Sensei.

Zenpō Sensei has coached world-class athletes. Yet he told us his purpose is to teach the unathletic, to bring in the weak and make them stronger, more supple, and more able to move with purpose. He said that's what karate can do.

I admire clubs and sensei that produce medal and trophy-winning athletes, and I try to learn from watching the very best karateka. But the mission of our dojo is to make a difference in the lives of ordinary people.


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On this National Flag Day, with Trump threatening Canada with tariffs and annexation, I am proud to repost this photo of the Canadian Seibukan karate team in Okinawa last October, standing under our flag and that of our great Seibukan friends from Mexico.

Tall young man and his short old karate teacher.

We had a wonderful surprise at the dojo last night. Peter returned! He was one of our first members, back in 2011. He was in Grade Ten then and shorter than me. He earned a blue belt before we thankfully switched to Seibukan a decade ago, then moved across the country. Such a great young guy, and I was so happy to see him again.

Seibukan instructor with Zenpo Sensei, head of Seibukan karate worldwide.

Lucy has had a Seibukan black belt since 2015, but last year, Zenpō Sensei surprised her with a gift of a new belt he had made for her, embroidered with ルーシー (Rūshī).

Training in Okinawa

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​Zenpō Sensei is unequivocal that it is necessary for Seibukan karateka to go to Okinawa:

Karate is from Okinawa, so you must go back to Okinawa and see what we do; every karate technique you must correct in Okinawa. Make sure you visit your sensei and feel all Okinawan people. 

Please visit Okinawa, to feel traditional Okinawan karate, and eat Okinawan food and breathe Okinawan air. Many things you have to experience in Okinawa.

Our dojo funds instructors and senior students to go to Okinawa to learn from the finest Seibukan sensei in the world. Last October three went there. Craig stayed for two weeks; Lucy and Doug were there for a month. It was demanding, illuminating, and marvelous.


Lucy and Doug will be returning again in May for a little more than three weeks. It will be their eighth trip since 2014. Three other members of the dojo will be going in October. Clayton will be going for the fourth time; Craig for a second time; Jared for his first. We are happy that the dojo is able to pay the cost of flights and accommodation so members can train there.


The purpose of our dojo is to be a bridge between the karate and culture of Okinawa and good people in Canada seeking to move with more grace through life.

Okinawan karate sensei giving one-on-one instruction to a Seibukan Karate Dojo member.
Zenpo Sensei talking with Lucy, one of the Seibukan Karate Dojo's instructors.
Seibukan Karate Dojo instructor Lucy talking with Zenpo Sensei while walking together.

When we go to Okinawa, we generally train six days a week. But some of the best lessons we've had about the way of karate have come in personal conversations with Zenpō Sensei outside of the dojo.

Our Edmonton Dojo

Male instructor of the Seibukan Karate Dojo training.

Karate-do is merely a reflection of our true selves. Excuse-makers will make excuses. Boasters will boast. The aggressive will do anything to beat someone else. Karate-do itself cannot change all this, but it can make these things much more obvious. It then becomes our responsibility to recognize ourselves and make the necessary changes.

Adapted from Onuma Hideharu

Clayton, an instructor of the Seibukan Karate Dojo, introducing basics to two new students in our Edmonton dojo.

Clayton introducing new students to karate. The mission that has been given to us is to bring good people to Seibukan, and we take that responsibility very seriously.

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Onnabugeisha 女武芸者: female martial artists.

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